Thesis SEO Tip For Google Penguin — Removing The META DESCRIPTION Tag

Have you ever wondered how search engines use meta description? Search engines use the meta description in the results snippets in search results along with the title and the site url. It gives the visitors a general overview of the page. And providing the relevant information in the meta-description increases the possibility of gaining and attracting more visitors.

The Thesis theme allows the page author to write a custom meta description or it dynamically generates one from the initial words of the content. With the recent Penguin update from Google, things have changed. If you’ve tried to force custom meta descriptions or have just let Thesis do them on its own, Google may penalize the site if there are too many keyword repetitions. If it’s the auto-generated meta description, then it’s pretty much useless as it’s unpractical to for the author to focus on describing the page in the first few sentences. Why not just let Google figure it out?

Here’s a simple way to force Google to pull meta description from inside the page content with it’s own intelligence (yeah, that’s dumb). Just copy the below code and paste it in custom_functions.php:

function rem_thesismetadescription($metadata, $object_id, $meta_key, $single) 
    if($meta_key == 'thesis_no_description')
        return true;
    return $metadata;


The above code will make sure that Google will pull meta description based on the page content for all posts.

Divi WordPress Theme