We all have widely used icons mainly as images. This new concept of font icons is simply amazing. We came through this concept of font icons for the first time on CSS Tricks and later realized that we have been viewing these fonts all around as dingbats, pictograms, etc. It is fairly easy to play around with the size, color, hover effects, etc of the icons that are actually fonts. The biggest advantage is that the font icons are highly scalable thus you will no longer have to hunt for the icons with specific dimensions. You can readily implement these font icons by using Typekit, WebInk and the likes. If you are looking for its HTML implementation, you can visit CSS Tricks. Here we have 13 beautifully designed free icon fonts. Take a look!
- A Free Icon Web Font
- Entypo
- Font Awesome
- Foundation Icon Fonts 2!
- Glyph Icons
- IcoMoon
- Jigsoar Icons
- Mordern Pictograms
- Mordern Pictograms 2
- Raphaël Icon Set via @font face
- Sosa Icon Font
- The Noun Project
- Typicons
Have you used icon fonts yet? Share your favorite icon font set with us.