How To Get Rid Of The Comments Link In The Thesis WordPress Theme

Seen { 23 comments } at the end of a blog post on any wordpress theme? There are good chances that the blog is using the Thesis WordPress Theme. While Thesis is a premium wordpress theme, its comments link is a tell-tale signature of the fact that the premium theme though highly customizable is being just like any other theme without any personal touch or uniqueness in design. Customization is one of the prime powers of Thesis. As such you must explore all the possible options and utilize this feature to give your blog a personal touch. Let’s get rid of the comments link for a start.

In your custom_functions.php file add the following code to get rid of the comments link.

remove_action('thesis_hook_after_post', 'thesis_comments_link');

Or you can introduce your own customized comments link.

function my_comments_link() {
  if (!is_single() && !is_page()) {
    echo '<p><span>[</span> <a href="';
    echo '#comments" rel="nofollow">';
    comments_number(__('<span>0</span> comments', 'thesis'), __('<span>1</span> comment', 'thesis'), __('<span>%</span> comments', 'thesis'));
    echo '</a> <span>]</span></p>';
remove_action('thesis_hook_after_post', 'thesis_comments_link');
add_action('thesis_hook_after_post', 'my_comments_link');

The above changes the serpentine brackets {} to the square ones []. Now that’s not Thesis, is it? Get a free copy of Thesis WordPress Theme.

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