Thesis theme for WordPress is considered to be the best as far as the typography is concerned. The pixel perfect types gives your website a professional identity. But in the rush of designing visually appealing designs, we often overlook these complimenting types; might be because we never have that much of time to preview each and every font offered by the theme. In this respect we decided to present a visual guide for Thesis users. The list contains the sequential font-previews of the fonts offered by Thesis.
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Arial Narrow
- Cantarell
- Cardo
- Courier New
- Crimson Text
- Droid Sans
- Droid Serif
- Georgia
- IM Fell Double Pica G
- IM Fell Double Pica SC G
- IM Fell DW Pica G
- IM Fell DW Pica SC G
- IM Fell English G
- IM Fell English SC G
- IM Fell French Canon G
- IM Fell French Canon SC G
- IM Fell Great Primer G
- IM Fell Great Primer SC G
- Inconsolata G
- Josefin Sans Std Light G
- Lobster G
- Molengo G
- Nobile G
- OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT G
- Old Standard TT G
- Reenie Beanie G
- Tangerine G
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana
- Vollkorn G
- Yanone Kaffeesatz G
- American Typewriter
- Andale Mono
- Baskerville
- Bookman Old Style
- Calibri
- Cambria
- Candara
- Century Gothic
- Century Schoolbook
- Consolas
- Constantia
- Corbel
- Droid Sans Mono
- Franklin Gothic Medium
- Garamond
- Gill Sans
- Helvetica
- Hoefler Text
- Lucida Bright
- Lucida Grande
- Palantino
- Rockwell
- Tahoma